Network Speed Test and Traceroute
Each time your packet of information is sent to another source, or router, and pushed forward to the next it’s referred to as a hop. At each hop there are latencies, so that’s why the more hops your data packet has to pass through, the slower it will take to reach its destination. Let’s look at an example: To test the amount of hops it takes for your packet of data to reach its destination you can run a command line IP traceroute (Windows: start menu → run → cmd). This will send a packet of data to the destination, but also request that the hops it reaches send back some information. Each hop is placed on a different line. We ran an IP traceroute to try and get to the always reliable
Notice that my request went through 13 separate hops to reach its destination. Notice also that each router sent back its IP address so we have a better understanding of where our data went. So….
An intermediate connection in a string of connections linking two network devices. On the Internet, for example, most data packets need to go through several routers before they reach their final destination. Each time the packet is forwarded to the next router, a hop occurs. The more hops, the longer it takes for data to go from source to destination. You can see how many hops it takes to get to another Internet host by using the PING or traceroute utilities. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) advertise how many hops away from Internet backbone they are. Theoretically, the fewer hops it takes to get your data onto the backbone, the faster your access will be.
连接两个网络设备的一串连接中的一个中间连接。例如,在互联网上,大多数数据包在到达其最终目的地之前需要经过几个路由器。每次数据包被转发到下一个路由器时,都会发生一跳。跳数越多,数据从源头到目的地的时间就越长。你可以通过使用PING或traceroute工具来查看到达另一个互联网主机需要多少跳。 一些互联网服务提供商(ISP)宣传他们离互联网主干网有多少跳。理论上说,把你的数据送到主干网的跳数越少,你的访问速度就越快。