about long string or strict as the author saying long literal string
and backslash, the character ( \ ).
the introduction: If the string length is too big it does not fit in one line. We can use the backslash character (\) at the end of each line to indicate that the string will continue on the next line.
const paragraph = "My name is Asabeneh Yetayeh. I live in Finland, Helsinki.\\
I am a teacher and I love teaching. I teach HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, \\
Node.js, Python, Data Analysis and D3.js for anyone who is interested to learn. \\
In the end of 2019, I was thinking to expand my teaching and to reach \\
to global audience and I started a Python challenge from November 20 - December 19.\\
It was one of the most rewarding and inspiring experience.\\
Now, we are in 2020. I am enjoying preparing the 30DaysOfJavaScript challenge and \\
I hope you are enjoying too."
what the real meanning
after deleting a backslash, the long string was been separated, as can not be run.
so, backslash in long string is for coding(to solve too long string to display in one line) and computer reading (to solve two line can not be run as the normal one line)
something about template strings
string with others